Monday, May 25, 2020

Visiting the Homeland - Tomb of Emperior Khải Định - Lăng Khải Định - Huế, Vietnam

Visiting the Homeland - Tomb of Emperior Khải Định - Lăng Khải Định - Huế, Vietnam

Tomb of Emperior Khải Định is located in Chau Chu mountain near Hue, Vietnam.

✔️Emperor Khải Định was the 12th Emperor of the Nguyễn dynasty (1916-1925).

✔️It was built from 1920 to 1931 taking 11 years to complete.
✔️The tomb was completed by Bảo Đại, Khải Định's successor, in 1931.
✔️The tomb is a blend of Western and Eastern architecture.
✔️ Before his 1925 death, the Emperor visited France where he was likely influenced by the architectural styles there, evidenced by the European influences in his Oriental mausoleum.

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